
Altar Servers

Young men in third grade and above are invited to assist in the preparation of the altar prior to Mass and to assist the celebrant during Mass and other liturgical functions. Thorough training is provided in order for the server to become knowledgeable and adept in performing the duties of the server with decorum and reverence.

Membership Requirements: Young men third grade and above who have received their first Holy Communion.

Meeting Time: Schedule provided

Contact Person:  Sr. Josephina, H.M.M.S.


The choir provides music for Masses and other celebrations at the parish.

Meeting Time: Thursdays, Choir Loft, 7:00 PM

Contact Person: Madeline Meade Phone: (216) 651-5043



Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute Communion at Mass and to shut-ins in the absence of clergy (bishops, priests, and deacons). Parishioners must be registered, fully-initiated, and demonstrate sufficient spiritual maturity. Those who are interested in serving in this ministry are required to undergo training through the Diocese’s Office of Worship.

Meeting Time: As scheduled

Contact Person: Maria DiGangi 216-651-5043



Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical functions. The Lector’s role is to help the assembled community experience God’s word.

Meeting Time: As scheduled.

Contact Person: Bernadette McFadden Email:



Ushers welcome and assist the people Mass. They ensure that the offertory and Communion processions flow with ease. This ministry serves at Sunday and Holy Day liturgies.

Meeting Time: As scheduled.

Investment of Time: Variable

Contact Person: Fr. Robert Kropac  Phone: (216) 651-5043